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1. Share our garden bounty and beauty.

2. Be active in community garden projects.

3. Participate in State and District projects.

4. Expand our knowledge about horticulture and design.

5. Excite the next generation about the value of gardening.


Dogwood Garden Club will focus on “Therapy for the Soul.” 

Each month we will be looking at ways to leap into our community to make a positive impact.




Continuing Projects

Junior Garden Club: Conduct weekly meetings during two sessions: September – December and March - May.  Work with 20 students at Eatonville Elementary School regarding garden related projects at the school. (Meets NGC’s objective to Educate for Responsible Choices.)


Blue Star Marker: Bi-annual (October and April) cleanup up of Blue Star Memorial Marker at Dogwood Park on Highway 161, north of Eatonville.  


Memorial Day Bouquets: Provide bouquets for the soldiers’ graves for the May Memorial Day program at the Eatonville Cemetery.


Art in Bloom: Dogwood sponsors the event and members help host.  Proceeds from the event support the Eatonville Food Bank.


Garden Therapy: Dogwood sends a minimum of two representatives to the district garden therapy sessions at the Brookyard Assisted Living facility in Puyallup.


Eatonville Food Bank: Dogwood members support the Eatonville Family Agency foodbank each year during the holiday season


Community Day Plant Sale: Fundraising project during Eatonville Community Day Festival.

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